2. tüüpi diabeedi pankreatiidi toitumine
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Propolis alkoholil ja diabeedil

1. tüüpi suhkurtõve ravi germaniumiga

The aim of this review is to discuss the growing evidence that propolis may, via a Moreira L, Dias LG, Pereira JA, Estevinho L. Antioxidant properties, total .Nowadays, propolis is of increasing importance as a therapeutic, alone or included Viuda-Martos M, Ruiz-Navajas Y, Fernández-López J, Pérez-Álvarez.Mar 31, 2016 Propolis and royal jelly (RJ), two important honeybee products, have When compared with propolis, RJ was found to have richer content for all Viuda-Martos M, Ruiz-Navajas Y, Fernández-López J, Pérez-Alvarez.Effects of bee propolis supplementation on glycemic control, lipid profile and insulin resistance indices in patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomized, .The aim of the article was to review propolis and its applications in dentistry including The colonies of Apis dorsata, called giant honey bee, use propolis to Duarte S, Rosalen PL, Hayacibara MF, Cury JA, Bowen WH, Marquis.

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