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Lipodüstroofia Saharano diabeet
lipoatrophic diabetes [lip′ō·atrof′ik] an inherited disease characterized by a total loss of subcutaneous body fat, insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus, acanthosis nigricans, hypermetabolism, hepatomegaly, and hypertrophied musculature.
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What is lipodystrophy in diabetes? American Diabetes Association Lipodystrophy is a defect in the breaking down or building up of fat below the surface of the skin, resulting in lumps or small dents in the skin surface.
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Lipoatrophic diabetes is a type of diabetes mellitus presenting with severe lipodystrophy in addition to the traditional signs of diabetes.
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lipoatrophic diabetes [lip′ō·atrof′ik] an inherited disease characterized by a total loss of subcutaneous body fat, insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus, acanthosis nigricans, hypermetabolism, hepatomegaly, and hypertrophied musculature.
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Welcome to The Lowell Diabetes Endocrine Center web site. This office specializes in Endocrinology. We are accepting new patients with endocrine problems such as diabetes, osteoporosis, high cholesterol, calcium problems and problems related to the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroids, pancreas, testis and adrenal glands.
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See Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes on page e147. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Although physical activity (PA) is a key element in the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes, many with this chronic disease do not become or remain regularly active.
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